Material Objects as Life Purpose Replacements

Symptoms of detachment from spirit can feel like anxiety, fear, sadness, discontent, failure, and discomfort, among others. This happens when we get sidetracked from our right and perfect path and take a detour through procrastination and other behaviours that don’t serve us.  The discontent will simply keep growing until you answer the call to get back on track and serve your life’s purpose.

If you feel a deep longing to do something fulfilling with your life but let your fears talk you out of taking action, you can get stuck for a very long time between the fear of moving forward and the fear of staying the same.  Your discomfort is caused by not keeping up with your soul’s lessons.

As you learn in this lifetime, you are constantly outgrowing your old circumstances and gearing up to change, to grow, to learn, and to master each new level you encounter.  Your guides and angels leave little clues and synchronistic events along the way to make life fun and exciting, and even extremely hard if you must learn a difficult lesson.  It is all for your greatest good.

Though you may not consciously know what you are longing for, taking courageous action toward what feels good each and every day can illuminate the path ahead.  One day, when you look back to where your journey began, you will do so in awe of the cascade of fortunate encounters and events that guided you right to where you wanted to be!

If you know what you desire, yet aren’t taking action, the discomfort will only grow until you listen to your authentic self and start making changes in your life.  No matter how hard some decisions may initially seem, the pain you will endure from not taking action will eventually become so extreme that you have to change.

File 2015-05-15, 11 20 49 AMThe Universe will support you always. 

We all have a little voice in our head that cheers us on.  This inner voice tells us when something needs to change and when we need to take action. It always has our best interest at heart. We also have a little voice that tells us we are not good enough – this is the voice of fear and anxiety, and the more attention you give it, the stronger it will get.  Take your power back from this voice and take action in the direction of your bliss. You are and always have been worthy.

There is a lot of fear entwined with change, but there doesn’t have to be. Fear and anxiety can’t survive the light.  They will disappear the second you acknowledge your worthiness and take action toward your dreams. Use them to guide you out of your comfort zone – you really have nothing to lose but your discomfort, and you have a lifetime of happiness to gain!

It all comes down to this:

You can either listen to the unrest and question it, asking yourself what kind of life you must live in order to feed your spirit and live with passion, or you can continue to live in denial and room with anxiety, fear, and discontent.  If you choose the latter, you will certainly feel the pain of disconnection and try to remedy the pain by acquiring material objects.

Material Objects as Life Purpose Replacements

  • Do you have a lot of stuff?
  • Do you have a need to shop?
  • Do you feel fulfilled in your life?
  • Are you constantly fearful and anxious?
  • How are your relationships?
  • Do you think about why you are buying something before you complete the purchase?
  • Do you need to buy something to be happy?
  • Are you feeling inspired or blocked in your life?
  • Do you have a lot of energy or is your body tired and stagnant?
  • What do your closets look like?
  • Is your house clean?

Are you numbing yourself by acquiring material objects?  Do you try to cover up your pain, fear, and anxiety by purchasing items to gain happiness?  Until you listen to your spirit and pursue your life’s purpose, the high you get from buying things will come and go hundreds of times until you wake up to the truth that nothing outside of you can make you happy. Happiness has been and will always be an inside job. Listen to your spirit.

Not only will objects not make you happy in the long run, but the more stuff you have, the more energy if takes from you. The more electronics you have, the more responsibility you have in making sure they run properly. The more cars you have, the more insurance you must buy and the more upkeep you must perform or delegate.

The more pets you have, the more you must feed them, walk them, and seek veterinary care. The more clothing you have, the more clothing you must wash/dry/fold/dry clean/repair. The more stuff you have laying around your house, the more stuff you have to dust, and the harder it is to find anything anywhere!

Material accumulation is a symptom of spiritual disconnection – a symptom of not fulfilling your life’s purpose.

When I am feeling stuck and anxious, it is almost always because I have been hanging out with my fears and not pursuing my life’s purpose. The only thing that truly makes me feel better is listening to my inner guidance and taking action on it. For instance, I may be procrastinating by cleaning the house instead of writing. This little voice in my head tells me that I need to write. About a minute after I sit down at my computer and begin to type, all fear and anxiety disappear and I feel completely connected to my spirit and my life’s purpose once again. I know I am following my life’s purpose because it makes me happy.

Maybe you have a habit of numbing out in front of the television, and while you needed to relax the first night, the second night your spirit may pipe up and start making you feel uneasy. Our spirit selves remind us that we didn’t go through the trouble of being born on Earth to sit on a couch night after night after night. If you watch television every night would put money on the table that you feel you were meant for something more, because you are.

There is nothing wrong with watching television sometimes!  I know there is nothing better for my spirit some nights than to snuggle up with my husband and watch a good movie, but some nights my spirit would rather read a book, play with watercolours, spend quality time with my significant other or kids, make love, go for a walk, post an inspirational quote on instagram, or sit in the back yard and eat a popsicle!

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When you are feeling fearful or anxious it is important that you question the unrest.  Ask yourself what your spirit needs to thrive, and listen to the guidance, feelings, and images that come to mind.  Spend some time in meditation and quietly reflect.

The next time you want to buy something, ask yourself why. This simple question can make you dig deep and figure out what you are really trying to achieve by acquiring something else.

We recently cleaned out our entire house, from the depths of the closets to the cupboards, drawers, and crawlspaces.  We simply asked ourself this one question about everything: Does this give me energy or deplete it?  If something didn’t feel good to, it got thrown in the donation pile and left the house a few hours later.  Make sure your donation pile doesn’t stick around for months.  Take it away immediately and feel the energy in your house soar!

Getting rid of the old creates space for the new without your energy getting lost. There is flow. Life. Beauty. Peace. It opens the door to possibilities you’ve never even considered.  Take your power back from the material objects in your life and start visualizing a life of purpose and happiness.  How can you serve? How can you bring joy to yourself and others? What do you love to do so much that you would do for free?

Feel the anxiety and fear melt away into excitement as soon as you commit to taking action in the direction of your dreams!

33 Life Lessons in 33 Years

Life lessons.  We learn them through love, through fear, and everything in between. Pain has always been my biggest teacher, and I’m sure you can relate. Sometimes we learn them immediately. Sometimes we think we’ve learned the lesson only to keep replaying the same old negative patterns over and over. Sometimes they literally have to slap us in the face, knock us down, and step all over us before we really get it.

The lessons we learn in those incredibly bare emotional times are the ones that we will never forget. But sometimes we can learn lessons through those who have been down those bumpy dirt roads for us.  In honour of my 33rd birthday this week, it is my hope that my life lessons can shine some light on your burdens and shine some grace on your life without the need for immense pain!!

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1.  Open your heart.

It is safe for you to open your heart to love.  The more you love the more love can return to you. Release any fears you have around giving and receiving love.

  1. You are responsible for your own happiness.

Choose to find the joy in every moment. Even in the chaos. Especially in the chaos. Any time you find yourself unhappy just let it go and do whatever you must in order to return to happiness. Do you want to be happy? Happiness is the only choice for an outstanding life.

When we take action and think thoughts that bring us pleasure, we are in alignment with our inner being. High vibrational beings attract other high vibrational beings; Happy people want to be around happy people!

  1. Release all judgments.

We are all on a journey. We are in no position to judge another because we have not walked in their shoes. They have their own reality that is separate from ours. So let judgments leave as quickly as they enter your mind and replace any unloving thoughts with loving-kindness. Send them love and light and wish them well on their travels.

  1. Set clear goals.

Life is what you make it. Decide what you want to get out of life. Choose your destination and take guided action to bring it into tangible reality. With each moment of decision, you have the power to shape your destiny. Set goals. Review them daily. Check in regularly to make sure your actions are producing the desired results and change your actions as required.

  1. Start a savings account.

Start a savings account and put money in every time you receive a paycheque. This is something we have started with our children from the day they were born and they’ve already amassed small fortunes. It is so exciting to be able to empower our children and teach them to respect money. And it’s never too late to start. If you don’t have a savings account, start one today!

6. Forgive.

Let go of past wounds. Let go of all things you cannot control and know that everything always works out in the best interest of everyone involved. Life is too short to hold a grudge. Resentment is like consuming poison and expecting the other person to die. Choose happiness. Choose forgiveness. Choose love. Let others off the hook for your happiness.

  1. Expect miracles.

Wake up every day and proclaim, “Something amazing is going to happen today!” Expect surprises. Expect life to be really, really good, because it is!

  1. The tough times = exponential growth.

Life is a constant state of change. Even if you are at rock bottom today, a year from now this tough time will be long behind you and you will more clearly see the lessons. Time heals. Draw upon your energy and strength and follow your inner guidance which is always steering you toward joyful expansion. You are never alone. You are always being guided and protected.

9. Practice Gratitude.

The easiest way to get yourself out of a rut is to return to love and gratitude. Find appreciation in every moment and you will bring yourself into alignment with your inner being. Practice gratitude and your life will flow beautifully before your eyes.

10.  The Universe returns the vibration you emit.

The law of attraction is real. The Universe rewards high vibrations with high vibrational gifts and low vibrations with low vibrational gifts. If you are kind, you will receive kindness. If you are fearful you will encounter more and more fear. Be aware of the vibration you are emitting in each moment and bring yourself back into alignment as soon as you become aware of your misalignment!

11. Baby steps equal massive action.

If you take small courageous actions every day toward the realization of your dreams, you will be successful in achieving them.  Small courageous action = massive change!

12. Get rid of negativity.

Get rid of anything and anyone in your life that brings you down. This includes all letters, pictures, paintings, clothing and items that give you a bad vibe. Turn off the radio when songs don’t make you feel as good as you want to feel.

You will mimic the vibe of your tribe, so make sure the people that you hang around the most often are lifting you up. You want to surround yourself with people who can help you learn and grow. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.

13. Move your body daily.

Cash in on all the health benefits of exercise and increase your heart rate every single day. Not only will you burn calories and build muscle, but you will release endorphins that will raise your mood naturally. Exercise literally makes you happy.

14. Don’t be too serious.

People who laugh more are less stressed. Laughter boosts the immune system and releases endorphins just like during exercise. When you are happy you raise your vibration. When you are high vibrational, you attract good feeling experiences into your life!

15. Pray.

Your angels and guides are available to help you in each and every moment. You have been given the gift of free will so you must ask in order to receive. Ask them for the strength and power to forgive. Ask them for courage and clarity in troubling times. Ask them to come to you in your dreams and help you to work on a specific problem. Ask them to open your heart and help you to love freely. Ask them for guidance on anything and everything. Instead of complaining about anything, ask that the solution be shown to you. Ask for guidance and then look for it all around you.

16. Find a role model.

Search out the best people in your field and learn from them. Find the people who are already doing what you want to do, and doing it well. They can save you from making a lot of mistakes, and wasting a lot of time.

17. Don’t take anything personally.

Don’t let the things that people do or say bother you. Their opinion may be their reality but it has no business becoming yours, especially if their opinions make you feel badly about yourself! Your true self is pure love and anything other than pure love does not really exist.

18. Use your power wisely.

You can focus your attention on anything. What you repeatedly focus your attention on is what you are going to amass skill in. Invest your time and energy wisely.  What do you see when you look at your partner?  Do you see all of the things that bother you or do you see all of the reasons why you love this person?  See only love. Be loving. Do these two things and your relationships and your life will transform.

19. You are not your thoughts.

That continuous chatter that occurs between your ears all day long is not who you really are. You are the watcher of the thoughts, but the thoughts are not you. Let thoughts move freely through your brain and be careful not to attach yourself to them. Notice the thoughts and release them. Your inner being cannot be disturbed so long as you are mindful of this.

20. Stop all self betrayal.

Listen to your intuition and feel you way through life. Be true to yourself; be true to your emotions. Emotions provide deep insight into the soul. Follow your emotional guidance/intuition/vibes/gut feelings. When something feels bad it probably is. If you become aware that you feel poorly, find a better feeling thought or take a better feeling action.

Express your emotions. Unexpressed emotions are ticking time bombs, so communicate emotions to your tribe as they arise and let them move through you. Work through and release pain as it arises. If you are holding on to anything there is no better time than the present to let go and give yourself permission to heal.

21. Procrastination is a silent killer.

Perfection and procrastination team up to kill your dreams. If you have a dream, don’t wait until conditions are perfect before you begin. Perfection doesn’t exist, so you’ll be procrastinating forever! Whatever it is, do it now!

22. Failure is impossible.

As long as you never give up you can never really fail. You can stumble, pause, and retreat for years even, but as long as you get back up and move forward you can never fail. Learn from your mistakes. Use the lessons to build yourself up and make yourself stronger. Every impediment means that you are closer to your goal. Never give up.

23. Be present.

It is never the past, it is never the future, it is only ever the present. And it is the most beautiful gift you can ever receive. The present moment is where we experience pure love and joy. Don’t get caught up reliving past traumas or spend your present moment worrying about the future. If you can’t control something, like the past for instance, let it go.

Use your senses and enjoy the present moment. Be still and enjoy spending time with yourself.  Enjoy time with others. The most important person in your life is the one that is right in front of you in the present moment.  Give your all to them.

24. Fear is an illusion.

We are the creators of our reality. We are the creators of our fears. Our fears exist only in our mind and they are not real. A fear of public speaking, a fear of spiders, a fear of not being loved, they are all illusions. As soon as you make the decision to change your beliefs around your fears, the illusion is unmasked.

Shine a light on your fears. Fears thrive in the darkness, but the moment you shine a light on them they can no longer survive. Decide that you are an amazing public speaker. Spiders are a beautiful piece of nature. Know that you are infinitely loved and supported by the Universe. Take your power back and start believing in the magnificent being that you are and destroy those illusions.

25.  Only love is real.

If fear is the darkness, love is the light. You can feel ecstatic love whenever you wish. Tap into the immense field of love that is all around. God is love. You are love.

See through the eyes of the Divine, the lens of love, and your life will change forever. Continuously let go of any disserving thoughts and return to love. Look past the egos of others and see the love within them. See love and the darkness will diminish. The more often you choose love over fear the easier it will get and the happier you will be.

26. Be authentic.

Be yourself. Speak your truth and shine your light. If you show up authentically in your life you give others the permission to show up authentically as well. Let your true self shine and give any worries about doing so to your angels. You are loved and supported by the Universe at all times. The more often you act from your authentic core, the more space you open up for magical opportunities to enter into your perception.

27. Be kind to yourself.

The people you spend the most time with have the opportunity to shape your thoughts and your beliefs. Since you have to hang out with yourself a whole lot, you had better watch what you say to yourself on a consistent basis. If you were another person, would you want to hang out with you? What would you want your best friend to say to you? Start being your best friend. Take care of yourself, love yourself, say nice things, and enjoy spending time alone.

You should be your biggest raving fan. If you don’t believe in yourself then no one else will. You have to love yourself first.

28. Eat mindfully.

You don’t have to eat a rigid diet, and you don’t need to label yourself. You can eat primarily paleo diet but have ice cream on occasion if you really enjoy it. Be authentic in all areas of your life. If you are binging on unhealthy foods, get to the root of the problem by shining a light on it. Love yourself enough to eat well.

29. Your thoughts create your reality.

The thoughts you think on a consistent basis shape your beliefs and form your actions. Be kind with your thoughts and suspend all judgment as it arises. Everything we can see was once a thought before it was created. Each thought is a prayer that is immediately sent out into the Universe, so think wisely.

30. Be generous.

The cycle of giving and receiving is one of ebb and flow. Give every day without expectation, and be open to receiving the blessings the Universe has to offer. If you enjoy giving but resist the presents that others try to bestow upon you, you are disrupting the cycle. Receive graciously so that others may enjoy giving. Give, accept, and repeat.

31. Live with passion.

Follow your bliss. If you consistently take actions that make you happy, you are living with passion. To live with passion is to greet each day with excitement. If you are not excited about life, then you need to start asking yourself when you really come alive. When are you most you? What lights you up? And then go DO it!

32. You’re growing or you’re dying.

Learn about something that interests you and share what you have learned with others. When we are learning, creating, and teaching our spirits thrive.

33. We are all one.

Everything is connected. We are all energy and energy knows no boundaries. We have the power to change another’s mood by the vibe we’re putting out. We can telepathically connect with people on the other side of the world just by thinking about them. How many times have you thought about someone and then they coincidentally called you out of the blue? There are no coincidences. We are all made of the same loving fabric.  When you love others you are loving yourself, and when you find fault in others you are finding fault in yourself.  Love unconditionally.